星期六, 3月 31, 2007

真藝英雄 Who moved our art

昨天訪問了關尚智麥海珊 (阿晨),兩位香港重要的藝術家,一個傾向為藝術而藝術,另一個更多為人人。兩位談與財團合作、不能合作的拉扯成為咋晚的引子。究竟藝術與商業間是矛盾和審查,還是可以cross over,將這場權力縣殊的遊戲變成賣座保証,誰的策略更出色?誰是真英雄?誰是假? 幾個星期前放了Anson在you tube 的天星video,今次聽到阿智話一代普普藝術大師Andy Warhol對他影嚮深遠,所以還是要在you tube 找華荷video。BBC這個節目關於真假華荷的評審機器實是不能錯過的回應。

imagine...andy warhol denied part 1-6/7

星期四, 3月 29, 2007


地點:創Bookcafe(香港中環域多利皇后街9號中商大廈2字樓[中環MTR C 出口])



隨著新媒體(New Media)的蓬勃發展,公民新聞(Citizen Journalism)引起各界關注。新聞道德的界線在哪裡?如何平衡公眾的知情權和私隱權?如何區別不偏不倚的新聞報導與有立場的新聞評論?






星期三, 3月 28, 2007

Light and Jewel

Kyeok Kim's Aurora, Second Skin by Lighting, "creates patterns of light on the body as ornamentation, extending the ornamented space around the body and restyling its decorative silhouette by motion.". Via Yanko Design.

星期二, 3月 27, 2007

Liquidity Boom

Check out the panel discussion "Liquidity Boom: a discussion on emerging artists, booming markets, new investment vehicles, and the law" on March 26...

Organizer Jason Kakoyiannis says:

The topic will be recent trends in the art market, investment vehicles on the side of artists such as Artist Pension Trust, and what it means when people speak of contemporary art as a new "asset class." The goal is to have an informed discussion on art business where people leave with a concrete understanding of some of the new entities on the scene and what their impact--both good and bad--might be.

The program is geared to artists, curators, young collectors, and a general art world audience as much as toward attorneys, investment advisors, and veteran collectors.

There will be an art historical accent as well, since we'll be talking about artist equity movements over the last 30 years--think the Projansky contract and resale royalty rights.

星期一, 3月 26, 2007

Adobe says no way to Vista updates

Adobe says you'll have to upgrade to new versions of popular (and really expensive) software like Photoshop, InDesign and DreamWeaver if you want them to run well under Windows Vista.

Current versions of many Adobe products won't run flawlessly under Windows Vista, this announcement only confirms that they never will. So, if you're a creative professional (who hasn't already jumped ship to OS X) start getting out the check book. Adobe's CS3 creative suite will be out next week, and it ain't gonna be cheap.

Symbian OS v9.5 announced

The world's most popular smartphone platform, Symbian, is taking a step forward this week with the announcement of version 9.5. Nine and a half versions sounds like a lot, and, well, it is -- but when you consider that Symbian has its roots in Psion's ages-old EPOC, it's pretty darned plausible to think that they've come this far. New features are very multimedia-centric, reflecting the reality that modern phones are becoming true multimedia convergence devices; the camera subsystem alone accounts for 35 new goodies including orientation tilt sensor support, autofocus spots, and red-eye reduction. No word on when Symbian's largest clients -- Nokia's S60 and Sony Ericsson's UIQ -- will integrate the latest version, but we think it's pretty safe to say that they will.

Other reading.


Before our real discussion on internet copyright / copyleft. We need a bit of warm up reading here.
撰文:小櫻的Kero .

More about HK


A project by: NICC and Love Difference, in collaboration with: Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto
Curated by: Daniele Balit

Palais de Tokyo - site de création contemporaine  Paris.
NICC, Antwerp.
Careof, Milan.

Artists: 0100101110101101.ORG, Christophe Bruno, Ghazel, Susan Hefuna, Nathalie Hunter, Yuji Oshima, Peter Lemmens and Eva Cardon, Adam Vackar, Stephen Vitiello, Luca Vitone, Version (Gabriela Vanga, Ciprian Muresan and Mircea Cantor).

Internet Sites: http://www.arman.fm, http://www.corriere.it, http://www.film.it, google ad words, http://www.inrockuptibles.com, http://www.liberation.fr, http://movies.tenuae.com, http://www.sortiraparis.com, http://www.viamichelin.it, http://www.villagevoice.com, http://www.wunderground.com

Neterotopia is an event that takes place from 16th to 31st March in various spaces on the Net. Eleven artists from different countries have been invited to choose an Internet site and use the spaces usually reserved for advertising: Christophe Bruno, Ghazel, http://www.sortiraparis.com, Susan Hefuna , Nathalie Hunter http://www.google.com, Yuji Oshima http://www.arman.fm, Peter Lemmens and Eva Cardon, Adam Vackar , Stephen Vitiello, Luca Vitone , Version (Gabriela Vanga, Ciprian Muresan and Mircea Cantor), 0100101110101101.ORG.

These spaces are thus transformed into exhibition surfaces and
points of access to a pathway branching through the public and virtual space of the Internet, the major node of which is the http://www.neterotopia.net website.

Through the stations installed in physical space, the public can see the artworks on-line, and experiment with digit@al, a special device by artist Pierre Mertens that puts a new slant on the rules of chatting.

Neterotopia traces the confines of a hybrid space, with a changeable and heterogeneous geography, drawing on Michel Foucault旧 concept of Heterotopia. As opposed to the non-places of Utopia, Heterotopias (literally: places of difference), are defined by Foucalt as other spaces capable of accepting difference and possibility, while not detaching from the real world. Neterotopias are therefore inserted into the Network system of communication, observing its rules and limits, while giving a new value to these advertising spaces.

星期五, 3月 23, 2007

Video Link Brazil

An Anthology of Brazilian Video Art, 1981–2005
Friday 23 March – Sunday 25 March 2007
Tate Modern

Heróis 2, TVDO (1987-2003)

Video Brazil is a survey of the experimental single-channel video scene in Brazil. Starting with work from the 1980s, this three-part programme brings together an emblematic selection of tapes by some of the country's key video artists and includes both early and emerging work. The programme offers a diachronic perspective on the trajectory of the artistic, critical and factual use of video technology in Brazil.

Influenced by conceptualism, Tropicália, the revolutionary project of Cinema Novo, televisual syntax and forms of popular culture, Brazilian artists have incorporated video into their practice since the 1970s, when a handful of multi-disciplinary figures assimilated the nascent media. But it was in the 1980s, with wider availability of video cameras and within the context of a new democratic socio-political conjuncture created by the end of the military government, that video technology took root in the cultural and artistic arenas.

As in other countries, video was embraced in Brazil for its immediacy, availability, potential as a community tool for social change and affordability for artistic exploration. As a hybrid medium, it has been appropriated for performance-based works, media critique, social portraiture, poetic, plastic and narrative experiments. With these facts in mind, this series has been designed as a point of intersection where these electronic texts can converge, reflect on each other and instigate fresh readings.

Curated by Antonio Pasolini.
* Video Links Brazil: Early Work Friday 23 March 2007
* Video Links Brazil: Pause and Reflect Saturday 24 March 2007
* Video Links Brazil: Documentary Sunday 25 March 2007

The Cure is coming !! Better be true.

Even 而家robert smith變左肥師奶


One of my favourite : a song about nightmare.

Makes me cry love:Picture of you

Absolute Cracker or Hacher

星期一, 3月 19, 2007

Open City with Eyebeam

Looking at the Open City site, I surprisingly realised that graffitti with light (laser) can caused acqusation of vandalism...

Graffiti writer, artist, and friend of the G.R.L. AVONE has recently been incarcerated on charges of vandalism. We haven’t used this site as platform to raise money in the past but if we can gather $2,000 bail ASAP then we can keep our friend from having to spend the next 3 weeks in jail. If found guilty he faces a sentence of at least 9 months.....

Peter Greenaway in Optronica

If you are interested in VJ and visual music in the tradition of Oskar Fischinger, you should follow addictive TV's new festival-Optronica 14-18 March 2007 in London. This year's line-up includes the World premières of new shows from a fantastic range of artists including Fred Deakin & Nick Franglen of Lemon Jelly, prolific designer and musician Trevor Jackson, Austrian electronic music pioneer Christian Fennesz with renowned New York video artist Charles Atlas, plus the UK première of Peter Greenaway's Tulse Luper VJ performance and a special World Cinema remix set from current #1 AV artists Addictive TV. Also on the bill are Japanese audiovisual artist Ryoichi Kurokawa, the brilliant Berlin-based Rechenzentrum with a brand new AV show and the highly innovative Spanish team behind Reactable. Saturday 17th, London's ICA hosts an audiovisual club night headlined by Speedy J & Scott Pagano and, just confirmed, a rare and exclusive audiovisual set from EBN's Gardner Post and Brian Kane.

Plus screenings, installations and illustrated talks - including from Cindy Keefer from the LA based Center for Visual Music, Optronica will deliver an incredible selection of aural and visual treats for both connoisseurs and newcomers alike.

Presented as part of the PlayStation® Season, Optronica is organised by artists/producers Addictive TV and new-media curators Cinefeel and in partnership with the British Film Institute.

Technologies, Media and Politics

Big Brother State, Source

Trust Computing Source

What Barry Says Source

An 1969 TV film directed by Jim Henson (the same guy who created the Muppets). The movie was aired on the weekly NBC show "NBC Experiments in Television".
The teleplay starred Richard Schaal as a man trapped in a cubical white room that anyone could enter and leave but he could not leave. The main character, simply named "The Man," is subjected to an increasingly puzzling and frustrating series of encounters as a variety of people come though various hidden doors. But as many remind him, he can only leave through his own door. And he must find where his door is.
This is now a public domain movie, so you can download it somewhere.

星期日, 3月 18, 2007

The book of imaginary Media: Excavating the Dream of the Ultimate Communication Media

Have you ever wondered if one day Windows 2028 might just know what you're thinking and type it? In this collection of essays, a selection of today's top media and sci-fi theorists weigh in. The Book of Imaginary Media explores the persistent idea that technology may one day succeed where no human has, not only in space or in nature, but also in interpersonal communication. Building on insights from media archeology, Siegfried Zielinski, Bruce Sterling, Erkki Huhtamo and Timothy Druckrey spin a web of associations between the fantasy machines of Athanasius Kircher, the mania of stereoscopy and "dead" media. Edwin Carels and Zoe Beloff descend into the cinematographic caverns of spiritualism and the iconography of death, and renowned cartoonists including Ben Katchor depict their own visionary media fantasies. On the enclosd DVD, artist Peter Blegvad provides hilarious commentary in a son et lumie version of his On Imaginary Media.
PUBLISHED BY: NAi Publishers
FORMAT: Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 292 pgs / 50 b&w / with DVD.
ISBN: 905662539X ISBN13: 9789056625399
Price : $39.95

Six net art projects from an international call by the Electronic Arts Program at California State University, Chico

A review is written by Max Marsh for new media fix.

LABoral Centre for Art and Creative Industries will open in 11 days, 2 hours and 26 minutes

LABoral Centre for Art and Creative Industries is specifically focused on the production and exhibition of art, science, technology and creative industries. This interdisciplinary space pays special attention to workshops for vocational and professional training, and to research into the intersection between creativity and new technologies.

Opening Programme, 30th March through 1st April.
Focuses on art responsive to instructions, input, or its environment and creates one possible narrative of the history of ‘new media art’. Featuring historical and current art works that are all based on technology and systems of response, the exhibition traces the history of contemporary artistic practice involving digital technologies.

Curators: Christiane Paul, Curator of New Media Arts, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Jemima Rellie, Director of Digital Programmes, Tate Modern, London
Curatorial Advisor: Charlie Gere, Research Professor in New Media, University of Lancaster
Exhibition Design: Leeser Architecture

Curator: Carl Goodman, Deputy Director, Museum of the Moving Image, Astoria (New York)
Associate Curator: Daphne Dragona
Curatorial Advisor: Helen Stuckey
Exhibition Design: Leeser Architecture

Gameworld refers to the designed world within a video game; the emerging artistic, industrial and academic ecology surrounding video games; and the extent to which lived experience is being coloured by video games, their forms of representation and their techniques of machine-mediated interaction.

Following an open invitation to artists all over the world to present works with a major component of digital creation and net art. The 10 selected works will be put on show as a snapshot or overview of artistic creation associated with technology and cyberspace as new challenges and new frontiers.

Jury: Alex Adriaansens, Director, V2 and DEAF, Rotterdam; Rosina Gómez-Baeza, Director of laboral Centre for Art and Creative Industries, Gijón (Asturias); Christiane Paul, Curator of New Media Arts, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Gerfried Stocker, Art Director, Ars Electronica, Linz
Development of presentation: Manuela Pfaffenberger
Exhibition Design: Quero-Kawamura-Ganjavian

This project is an open coordinated network of exhibitions and/or interventions conceived to connect the new Centre for Art and Creative Industries with its surrounding environs and artists, with a goal of recovering the tradition of dialogue between arts and industry. The project will feature work by young artists or those particularly engaged with non-commercial and minority idioms, with a total of fourteen exhibitions or interventions in two phases.

Curator: Francisco Crabiffosse, independent curator, Oviedo
Artists: Pablo Armesto, Paco Cao, Maite Centol, , Soledad Córdoba, Carlos Coronas, Juan Fernández and Chechu Álava, Dionisio González, Adolfo Manzano, Juan Carlos Martínez, Natalia Pastor, Fernando Redruello, Avelino Sala, Cuco Suárez and Aurora Suárez.

International essayists and thinkers ponder the reach of the electronic image in art today. Pencilled in are François Bucher, Jordan Crandall, Pedro A. Cruz, Alexander Galloway, Anna María Guasch, Lev Manovich, Juan Martín Prada and Siegfried Zielinsky

Series Director: José Luis Brea

Other Programmes

Collaborators: Graffiti Research Lab at Eyebeam R&D OpenLab

Two members of the Graffiti Research Lab will lead a workshop to instruct monitors in the basic principles of putting together LED Throwies. The workshops will be open to youth organisations to show young people how to make them. The workshop will conclude with a LED throwing session with large numbers of young people throughout the whole of Asturias.

LEV FESTIVAL (Laboratorio de Electrónica Visual)
Organised: Datatrón

Contemporary digital art and experimental music show, a first in Asturias, with the participation of precursors of electronic music and up and coming names.

星期六, 3月 17, 2007


時間︰ 四月一日(星期日) 下午二時半
地點︰ 中環夏愨道12號美國銀行中心,香港中文大學專業進修學院100 室
主持︰ 葉蔭聰 (知識共享成員、獨立媒體(香港)執委成員)

莫乃光先生 (香港互聯網協會會長)
鄧傑先生 (台灣聯合報系法務專員、中華民國維基媒體協會理事長)
群智基金會代表 (國內活躍於知識分享及網絡上開放協作議題之組織)

報名︰ 請電郵閣下之姓名、聯絡電話及人數至 openknowledgehk@gmail.com。
(亦歡迎即場 talk-in)



香港政府於一月初推出「在數碼環境中保護知識產權」 的諮詢文件,強調「政府致力建立一個健全的版權保護制度,為創意產業的持續發展提供有利環境。」可是,整個諮詢文件,主要只考慮版權持有人的利益,缺乏互聯網創作人及使用者的聲音。



這次諮詢會我們分別請來了國內群智基金會(Social Brain Foundation)代表,談如何發展一個有利創意和教育的產權觀,以及台灣聯合報系法務專員∕中華民國維基媒體協會理事長鄧傑,談台灣推廣 creative commons的經驗。互聯網協會香港分會主席莫乃光會以其專業知識,評論港府的諮詢文件。此外,主辦單位亦會發佈「知識共享(Open knowledge)宣言」行動,以民間群策群力的方法,推動開放知識的實踐。

星期五, 3月 16, 2007


Media technologies are currently facing challenges and opportunities arising from a number of trends: Under the Web 2.0 umbrella, social aspects of software are gaining importance, and a new focus on simplicity in user interface design is taking hold. New display devices (e.g. e-paper) and client software (e.g. geo-browsers) revolutionize the production and consumption of media products such as newspapers.

At the same time, semantic technologies are maturing to the point where their broad adoption becomes almost inevitable. In conjunction with new media, semantic technologies and social software catalyze virtual communities by matching people of similar interests, browsing behavior, or geographic location.

Acknowledging these fundamental changes,I-MEDIA will bring together traditional media companies, new media start-ups and academics to shape the future of media technology, and to make the most of distributed text,audio and video resources.

Possible topics for I-MEDIA 07 paper submissions include but are not
limited to:

-- Web 2.0 Applications for Content Providers
-- Business Models for New Media
-- Social Media Platforms
-- User-Generated Content
-- Semantic Technologies for New Media Technology
-- Cross-Media Content Production and Delivery
-- Cross-Media Search and Retrieval
-- Media Provision over the Internet Protocol
-- New Media Services
-- Mobile and Wearable Computing
-- Innovative Media Devices
-- Innovative User Interfaces for Media Devices
-- The Geospatial Web
-- Marketing of Products and Services via New Media
-- Societal Implications of New Media

Beginning in 2007, I-MEDIA will complement I-KNOW (www.i-know.at), the largest conference on knowledge management of its kind in Europe. This extension reflects the increasing importance and convergence of knowledge management and new media technologies. This lets participants of both conferences benefit from the synergies of both events, in particular from the presence of different yet related expertise at the same place and time.

documenta 12 magazine no.1, 2007 is out now, covering the topic of 'Modernity?'

documenta 12 magazine No. 1: Modernity?
Schöllhammer, Georg/Buergel, Roger M./Noack, Ruth
Softcover, 22.5 x 27.5 cm (8.9 x 10.8 in.), 224 pages

The articles in the magazine are contributed by participating magazines from around the world, creating "a magazine of magazines".

The magazine has just arrived in Hong Kong. For a browse of the actual copy, please visit the Goethe-Institut Hongkong, 14/F Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai.

For ordering your copies, please click here .


星期四, 3月 15, 2007

Feed 2 Mobile

This QR Code will let any user whose mobile phone is equipped with a QR Code Reader to easily reach and bookmark the mobile version of «Pop op o Pe 普奧普阿比»
Provided by KAYWA

星期三, 3月 14, 2007

Random Ascess Music

Can't agree more with John Maeda that Random Ascess Music is one of Nam June early works that I like so much.
"...My favorite work of Paik's is Random Access Music which is a series of technology art pieces. Imagine a wall with magnetic audio tape glued to it, and holding the playback head in your hand like a wand such that you can freely brush over the loops of tape and hear things. These pieces represent a wonderful destruction of conventional passive media, into completely different constructions that are interactive, analog, and ultimately human. "
Yes, thanks Nam June.

OpenCode Pre-alpha Public Release

MIT Takashi and Kyle released OpenCode as pre-alpha. OpenCode is a web-based dynamic graphics programming environment. So sign up, try it out, and let them know what you think.

See also Tak’s announcement.

How To Download From YouTube

If you're like me, you have found something halarious, interesting, or illegal on YouTube or Google Video. The drawback can be either, like me, you don't have high speed so you have to watch somewhere else, or you want to have the video on your hard drive, in possibly a better format. That's where KeepVid comes in.

KeepVid is a website that allows you download video from several mainstream video sites, such as Google Video, MySpace, and YouTube. All you have to do is copy the URL of the site with the video on it, and paste it into KeepVid and hit download. Then a link will pop up, and you will have 1 or more options of the type of file to download.

However, sometimes KeepVid does not put a file extension on when you download it. Check to see what it says you are downloading, and then just add the file extension when you are done. All files from YouTube are .FLV. To play FLV files, you need a FLV player, such as FLV Player, which has a download link on KeepVid. I am not sure, but you may be able to watch them in your browser if you have the right plugin.

Once you have downloaded an flv file you can convert it to mpg or even create a dvd. There is information on this at http://zztools.blogspot.com. A YouTube created dvd is surprisingly viewable - TVs do a good job with relatively low resolution video - and they make the image viewable from a wide range of angles - it is what they are designed to do.

星期二, 3月 13, 2007

New Book :Fab: The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop - From Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication

"Renowned scientist and inventor Neil Gershenfeld describes how personal fabricators are about to revolutionise the world just as personal computers did a generation ago. What if you could put the manufacturing power of a car plant on your desktop? According to MIT scientist and inventor Neil Gershenfeld, the next big thing is personal fabrication (PF) - the ability to design and produce your own products in your own home, with a machine that combines consumer electronics and industrial tools. PF's will bring the programmability of the digital world to the rest of the world by being able to make almost anything. In "Fab", Gershenfeld describes how PF is possible today, and how it is being used to meet local needs with locally developed solutions. In "Fab Labs" created around the world by Gershenfeld and his colleagues, villagers in India have developed devices to monitor food safety and agricultural engine efficiency. Herders in the Lyngen Alps of northern Norway are developing wireless networks and animal tags so their data can be as nomadic as their animals. And students at MIT have made everything from a defensive dress that protects its wearer's personal space, to an alarm clock that must be wrestled into silence. These experiments are the vanguard of a new science and a new era of "post-digital literacy". In this ground-breaking book, the scientist who has pioneered the revolution in PF reveals exactly what is being done, and how this technology will allow all of us to create the objects we desire and the kind of world we want to live in."
Are we ready for DIY world?
Do we have the literacy ?

星期六, 3月 10, 2007

Moritz Waldemeyer with Hussein Chalayan

Moritz Waldemeyer presents mechanical dress at Hussein Chalayan’s Autumn/Winter 2007/8 collection, which was shown in Paris last week.

In his second collaboration with the fashion designer, designer-engineer Waldemeyer produced some new mechanical dresses plus dresses with full video capability: each is covered with 15,000 individually controllable LEDs, meaning the surface of the dresses can display moving video imagery.

“Basically there are two dresses where the whole dress is a display,” says Waldemeyer, who first worked with Chalayan for his Spring/Summer 2007 collection last year, engineering remarkable mechanical dresses with motorised flaps and seams.

Below: mechanical dresses from Chalayan’s Spring/Summer 2007 collection, which Waldemeyer engineered.

星期五, 3月 09, 2007

Special Effect Print Design Exhibition

Open till 16th Mar. 2007 @Basheer Design Book, 1/F, Flat A, Island Building, 441 Hennessy Road
1130am to 10pm (mon -sun)

Writing Machine Collective 2nd edition Inform 7 工作坊


你想嘗試在電腦上自創互動的歷險遊戲/故事嗎? Inform 7 為一嶄新的程式語言,專為創作歷險遊戲和互動文學而設。由於Inform 7以日常英語寫成,你就算不了解電腦程式也會覺得它容易掌握。不出三數小時的訓練,你便會懂得以 Inform 7 編寫遊戲/故事,設計出複雜的環境和事物,甚或一些不受玩者控制的虛擬人物。

這個專為程式初學者而設的工作坊將逐步講授 Inform 7 的基本概念。特別歡迎恐懼電腦程式的朋友前來參與。



香港理工大學設計學院(PC Lab Y726 Core Y)


有興趣參加者,請於4月4日或之前,連同姓名、電郵地址及聯絡電話,發郵件至 info@writingmachine-collective.net報名。名額30 個,先到先得。

星期四, 3月 08, 2007

What can Pulp Fiction teach you about typography?

Remember the scene in pulp fiction where Samuel L. Jackson shoots that guy in his apartment after yelling at him about Mr. Marseilles? Someone took the audio from that scene and animated their speech using font size, shape, color, and movement to convey emotion.

Animation of a Samuel L. Jackson Pulp Fiction speech in type

異聲:聲音藝術系列 NOISE:Sound Art Series


工作坊導師將介紹及引用音樂家Murray Schafer的「聽覺生態學」理論,並透過試聽各種實驗音樂,引導參加者認識及提昇日常聆聽經驗。導師更會教授基本數碼錄音,讓參加者隨意以戶外、戶內及身邊各種聲響為題材,以聲音描繪城市的不同面貌,創作別樹一格的「聲音環境」。

講者:Cedric Maridet (http://www.moneme.com/)(英語)
日期:11, 18, 25. 3 及 1.4.2007(逢星期日,共四節)
時間:下午2:00 — 5:00

星期二, 3月 06, 2007

design HKU Map by vote

design HKU Map by vote is a work in this New work Map From Phoebe Man "I have started a new series of work "Maps". This is inspired by Guy Debord's
theory of Psychogeography. I based on the poll of public or my personal
experience to transform maps."

Very much inspired from Psychogeorgraphy and Gestalt psychology.

12 Quick Tips To Search Google Like An Expert

1. Explicit Phrase: Lets say you are looking for content about internet marketing. Instead of just typing internet marketing into the Google search box, you will likely be better off searching explicitly for the phrase. To do this, simply enclose the search phrase within double quotes.

Example: “internet marketing”

2. Exclude Words: Lets say you want to search for content about internet marketing, but you want to exclude any results that contain the term advertising. To do this, simply use the “-“ sign in front of the word you want to exclude.

Example Search: internet marketing -advertising

3. Site Specific Search: Often, you want to search a specific website for content that matches a certain phrase. Even if the site doesn’t support a built-in search feature, you can use Google to search the site for your term. Simply use the “site:somesite.com” modifier.

Example: “internet marketing” site:www.smallbusinesshub.com

4. Similar Words and Synonyms: Let’s say you are want to include a word in your search, but want to include results that contain similar words or synonyms. To do this, use the “~” in front of the word.

Example: “internet marketing” ~professional

5. Specific Document Types: If you’re looking to find results that are of a specific type, you can use the modifier “filetype:”. For example, you might want to find only PowerPoint presentations related to internet marketing.

Example: “internet marketing” filetype:ppt

6. This OR That: By default, when you do a search, Google will include all the terms specified in the search. If you are looking for any one of one or more terms to match, then you can use the OR operator. (Note: The OR has to be capitalized).

Example: internet marketing OR advertising

7. Phone Listing: Let’s say someone calls you on your mobile number and you don’t know how it is. If all you have is a phone number, you can look it up on Google using the phonebook feature.

Example: phonebook:617-555-1212 (note: the provided number does not work – you’ll have to use a real number to get any results).

8. Area Code Lookup: If all you need to do is to look-up the area code for a phone number, just enter the 3-digit area code and Google will tell you where it’s from.

Example: 617

9. Numeric Ranges: This is a rarely used, but highly useful tip. Let’s say you want to find results that contain any of a range of numbers. You can do this by using the X..Y modifier (in case this is hard to read, what’s between the X and Y are two periods. This type of search is useful for years (as shown below), prices or anywhere where you want to provide a series of numbers.

Example: president 1940..1950

10. Stock (Ticker Symbol): Just enter a valid ticker symbol as your search term and Google will give you the current financials and a quick thumb-nail chart for the stock.

Example: GOOG

11. Calculator: The next time you need to do a quick calculation, instead of bringing up the Calculator applet, you can just type your expression in to Google.

Example: 48512 * 1.02

12. Word Definitions: If you need to quickly look up the definition of a word or phrase, simply use the “define:” command.

Example: define:plethora

Dead in the wave of Web 2.0

Another one comes into the deadzone in techcrunch.
Yahoo Mixd, which launched in November 2006, closed down on February 25 (although nobody noticed until today).

Mixd competed with several group SMS services such as Zemble, Dodgeball, and Twitter. The last, Twitter, has recently stolen the bulk of media and blogger attention.

星期一, 3月 05, 2007

Music for one apartment and six drummers

A group of six drummers break in into a dwelling, in order to give their musical art there expression.


Like Elvis, Eve has left the building. The IFC Center building that is. We are thrilled that with the 7 days and nights of free screenings from Feb 21-27, more than 2,620 people got to see the U.S. premiere of Eve Sussman and The Rufus Corporation’s The Rape of the Sabine Women. We know demand was greater than supply, so we promise to let you know as soon as the artist makes new plans.

You can see 1 minute of the film on the last minute of every hour through April 30 on The 59th Minute: Video Art on the News Astrovision by Panasonic in Times Square. Or see the film at the following locations around the world:
- Through Mar 4, 07, Berlin @ Hamburger Bahnhof Museum fur Gegenwart
- Fall 07, London @ Project Space 176, the Zabludowicz Collection
- Winter 08, Chicago @ The Smart Museum of Art, The University of Chicago
Click here for a 10 min podcast.

Web standard 及@media

@media 將在港舉行 from Clement in a nutshell.
"在香港這個 Web Standards 荒蕪之地,竟然會舉辦如此盛事,實在令我很意外。" from 網絡暴民。
最後,一如眾料,@media 2007 Asia 取消

星期日, 3月 04, 2007

Bloggers Help Free Chinese Filmmaker

We appeal to the Chinese government for Hao Wu’s immediate release!

When Chinese filmmaker Hao Wu did not show up on Feb. 22 2006 to meet a friend at the gym in Beijing, the Internet community jumped into action. A picture of Wu on a shocking red background and bright yellow text that said “Free Hao Wu” soon popped up on hundreds of blogs in China as well as around the world.

Within weeks, about 1,000 websites carried the picture of Wu, which linked to a website called FreeHaoWu.com where information about the case was constantly updated. It was a virtual version of going block by block to post fliers for a missing person.

Wu, a Chinese citizen with U.S. permanent residency, was finally released on July 11 after nearly five months in detention. His case is a testament to the power of the blogging community to generate information and gather support. With an estimated 60 million bloggers in China, blogs have become a powerful tool of social support for causes ranging from feminism to freedom of speech.

Technology has been a way to thwart the government’s efforts in controlling the public. In 1989, Tiananmen Square protesters used fax machines to reach out to the international press. Last year, 12,000 workers mobilized using cell phone text messages to go on strike against their company. The blogosphere’s high interconnectedness made Wu’s case very visible in the blogging community, and by extension, on the Internet....more

Summarize lengthy text

One of the Most Underused Mac OS X Features: Summarize (in service menu). How to use it ?.

Vancouver Film School 2006 Showreel

Created by Vancouver Film School graduate Joshua Herrig through the VFS 3D Animation & Visual Effects program.

星期六, 3月 03, 2007


We are having a party at Fu Tak now.

星期五, 3月 02, 2007


2007 年第三屆網誌青年運動會,將於4月14日於華山創意文化園區熱烈展開.

星期四, 3月 01, 2007

"Goodbye"- MV

intangable cultural heritage

錄像/Visual Realisation: 麥海珊/Anson Mak
音樂/Music: 粉紅A/Fan Hung A
Please visit www.project- see.net/main/pressrelease_eng.htm


from 思考 :


知識產權關注小組 - 細看侵權刑事化諮詢文件 (1)
知識產權關注小組 - 細看侵權刑事化諮詢文件 (2)
知識產權關注小組 - 細看侵權刑事化諮詢文件 (3)