星期五, 10月 13, 2006

V2 in China Bloggers Conference

V2_Institute for the Unstable Media will be helping out and participating in the upcoming China Bloggers Conf (see early post) to be held in Hangzhou on the weekend of Oct 28/29. They will be hosting the live stream, and doing some online moderation of selected panels - but more importantly will be hosting a panel entitled CREATIVITY 2.0.

"...In collaboration with the Second Chinese Bloggers Conference, to be
held in Hangzhou China October 28/29, V2_Institute for the Unstable Media is hosting an ‘extra-territorial’ online satellite to the conference in Rotterdam. By examining the role played by the exploding use of weblogs or ‘blogs’ in establishing new forms of dialogue and community, Creativity 2.0 discusses the rise of the blog as an open medium of expression above and beyond the grasp and control of governmental mechanisms.

Recently, and during the past year in particular, it has become increasingly popular to use new tools and expanded online facilities via ‘Blogs’ to create new social identities, define cultural practices and create active communities beyond the physical constraints of urban or national structures. This is especially the case in countries such as the People’s Republic of China in which a new ‘middle landscape’ of an increasingly affluent and mobile citizenry has zealously and enthusiastically attuned to the latest in global technology and telecommunications. Forming a significant part of the ‘Web 2.0′ phenomenon Blogs pick up the faded myth of the Internet as a user generated space of exchange with both cultural and commercial repercussions.

Associated online tools and services such as, YouTube, Biku, Flickr
and del.icio.us augment the omnipresence of Blogs into complex global communities of users linked via an infinite number of personal backgrounds, interests and goals and create new forms of social, cultural, artistic and economic networks. In areas where traditional forms of monitoring and control of information is pervasive the complexity and diversity of blogging’s reach drives the creation of new platforms and forms of expression. Blogs brought to life by anyone anytime are now creating a blogosphere rapidly replacing traditional information structures by unifying in cross-media frameworks the same mechanisms of text and visual tagging, cross-referencing of information, and opinion gathering established with the Internet over a decade ago. But how do these structures originate, who do they serve, and how are the bloggers covered by‘traditional’ or local media? Beyond global entertainment and free-for-all journalism can Blogs instill new cultural identities and open up new zones of dialogue and critique? Can they lead to cultural and artistic production per se, or drown in parody and hasty mash-ups during their authors’ 5 minute bursts of fame?

Creativity 2.0 links the worlds of blogging between Europe, Asia and beyond in a live and online dialogue hosting players active in defining and sharpening both active local communities and establishing new contexts of transnational dialogue."


2nd China Bloggers Conference
Hangzhou, China October 28/29, 2006
Live Rotterdam Satellite Saturday October 28, 10.00 - 14.00 (CEST)
