星期三, 11月 15, 2006

Chinese Blogger Conference : Reminders and Reflections

On 28th and 29th last month, I was in Hongzhou not for the film awards but went to the 2nd chinese blogger conference.

One of the organiser, Isaac Mao, from The social Brain Foundation wrote "在年会上向大家介绍美国Blogger行为和网志空间特性的Deborah Fallows 来自Pew Internet &
Society研究所,PEW研究中心,加州大学伯克莱分校新闻研究生院和Middlebury学院正在研究中文Blog空间的写作和传播行为。在年会期间已经开始启动的调研工作是一个很好的开头,通过参与这些精心设计的调研问题,你也可以更好地了解自己的Blog行为和Blog环境,同样也支持了研究工作。" (Please support Pew)


Rebecca MacKinnon from www.GlobalVoicesOnline.org wrote in her blog her reflections on China's 2nd annual blogger conference.

Two speakers from Hong Kong :

Hong Kong Polytechnic University香港理工大学教授和游戏/创意技术专家 Gino Yu(于积理)在年会的Creative 2.0 板块(由孙田主持)和欧洲的艺术家进行了对话,并且分享了自己对Blog和Web 2.0的看法,以及用自己的家庭观念阐述了对生命2.0的理解。

Another HK person comes from Inmedia talks about freedom of speech and the organisation.
