星期六, 8月 19, 2006

Locating online resources for campus TV

There is a need for Campus TV teacher to serach teaching materials and examples for student. I reckon it would not be easy if you just search by keyword on any search engine.It will be time consuming and would not hit the right link for you. The smart way is to make use of some smart web 2.0 social tagging technology. Try this del.icio.us. It is now a yahoo free service that was originally developed by art people, or creative art people that know IT well. In this social bookmarking service, members contribute their bookmark publicly. Most of them will have very specific interest or POV bookmarking. So if you want education, you will be linked to many relevant but widely diverse bookmark. You can also check who is tagging the bookmark, how they comment on it and what are the other bookmark on the same tag, so if you find someone that has a tagging habit near you (i.e. looking at similar things), you can simply tag this person. You can search for what you need in the tag search but also from people search and their link. You can check how popular a tag is which means this serves as an index to how useful it is. I can open a collective account (give out password to all) so that we can share it in class. Or open your own and send us your account name so that I can link them up. Check out who is tagging http://www.ubu.com/, you will find interesting people and link. from this bookmarking.
