星期日, 5月 24, 2009

HYL/SHOUT Performance Festival 2009 - Oslo, Norway

I can't help to post other people's open call here on this blog, thinking that there are people who either have something they want to show or people would be going to these places, but sometimes just how other people are organising art events can be inspirational. The idea of video marathon did happen here in Hong Kong many many years ago but not a performance marathon.I still wonder if this is only a marketing strategy.

This is a call for participation in a two month long performance marathon which is
scheduled to run from August 1, 2009 through September 30, 2009, in Oslo, Norway.
If you wish to participate with works you are welcome to submit documentation of
previous performances, plan(s) of the performance(es) you wish to show at this
festival, and a brief CV. Photos should be printed on A4 sized paper. Video documentation should be on a DVD with a maximum duration of 5 minutes.

The performance festival is meant, to a certain degree, to be of an activist nature, thus the name HYL/SHOUT Performance Festival 2009. (For an understanding of how we
interpret the word activist, think of direct action, legal/illegal demonstrations, and
intervention in public spaces, etc.) The festival will take place mostly in non-traditional settings like shopping malls, on public transport, in streets, in public parks, etc, i. e. whatever creative places outside of the traditional venues of art galleries and museums you can think of.

Please indicate in the calendar below what date(s) you prefer to perform, your name,
title of your work(s), your e-mail address and phone number, and print and send together with the above mentioned material to:
Åse Karlsen, Stensbergsgata 23 C, NO-0140 Oslo, Norway.

Deadline: June 10, 2009, stamped envelope.

If selected, you'll have to pay your own travel expenses to Oslo, Norway, but we will
provide accommodation on a sofa, or similar, in a private home for two participants
for a maximum of four nights. Please bring your own sleeping bags and towels, etc.

Please indicate in the calendar below what date(s) you prefer to perform, your name, title of your work(s), your e-mail address and phone number:

Saturday 1. August
Eva Drangsholt, commencement location, kl 21 – 22, "Sekhet Iaru", e@evdr.net, no phone
