IN the age of new technologies- Revolutionary ideas and technologies are brought into the process of "Make" and "'Grow". DIY culture together with open source movement make everyone an inventor and an entrepreneur. We can build our remote controller, chinese writing pad using ipone, we can build our musical instrument using retro technologies such as the copier, fax machine.
We see 'grow your animation' from people using processing and 'grow your meat' as in bio art research. Generative software are now solving problems for us from random and artificial intelligence.
Democracy is out. We no longer need to be represented, we represent ourselves and we share our presence. The ideas of sustainability and 'living green' is also part of this cureent.
SEE emphasizes sustainability and creativity in life are hosting this 'make my own dress' workshop. Wanna bring in some new technologies here?
手藝作業,讓活在虛擬與數字世界的城市人經驗實在與創造而來滿足,思網絡將於5月舉辦首次一連兩堂的“Make your own DRESS”工作坊,拉攏資深自由設計師兼收藏家Vincent AY與沙田區以布藝在家小本創業的Helen嘗試cross over,教大家自己親手加工與創作一條獨一無二的連身裙,讓你在壓力緊迫的生活,轉移視線在這穿得上身的瑣事花心思,與朋友一同分享「手製」的樂趣,重新感受生活中原始的簡單和快樂。。
Make your own DRESS! 工作坊宣傳短片:
時間:下午2:30 – 5:00
地點:思網絡工作室, 上環皇后大道中233號柏聯樓3樓
導師:資深自由設計師兼收藏家Vincent AY
收費:680元 首次報名優惠 550元正
(連基本裙一條, 包材料費及導師費)
名額:20人 (額滿即止)
如欲參加或有任何查詢,可電郵到 或致電 21274504 (Samantha Lam)