星期二, 3月 10, 2009

Public Lecture III Mechatronic Art & its Cultural Implications

Mechatronics, a portmanteau of 'Mechanics' and 'Electronics', is a platform investigates the possibilities of mechanical-based, tactile and space-related technologies on artistic and cultural practice. It includes robotics art and movable/ mobile sculpture, video/ sound sculpture, etc. Artists started to work with the chosen abstraction from 13th Century in western history and it was deployed in theater performance, sculpture & installation art since then. Leonardo De Vinci and Karel Čapek are two of the most well-known figures.

Annie On Ni Wan, currently a visiting research scholar at Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, will discuss theoretical background and development in mechatronic art and various art projects as a series of poetic systems, engage in lines of enquiry that result in shared sensations of monumental inter-connectivity.


Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Time: 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Location: OEE 603 Activity Room,
Street: Ho Sin Hang Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University
Phone: 23535895
Email: morgan@hkbu.edu.hk

