星期一, 6月 11, 2007

Internet guerrilla performance


Igor Stromajer's Internet oeuvre is characterized by the substitution of the traditional theatre space by the use of the Internet for his intimate performance.

"Ballettikka Internettikka" realized by net.artist Igor Stromajer and net.composer Brane Zorman is an internet guerrilla performance. Differently from other net.art works by Stromajer, which are confined to fixed spaces on the Net, accessible from infinite co-ordinate combinations of time, place, and space, "Ballettikka Internettikka" combines the Internet based ubication with the artist's placement in an offline scenario (corporeally speaking), so the intervention takes place both online and offline, conceived as a complimentary effect.

This Internet situationist performance is a critique of elitist and bourgeois art spaces and consumer art culture and capitalism, by claiming public art spaces. This is achieved by entering secondary locations of established art institutions and then broadcasting the action via the Internet, taking advantage of the whole new scope that the Internet offers: a higher bandwidth, a complimentary effect to off-line activism, omni-directionality, and participation.

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

the figurine looks cute, I would like to have one as well!
seems this form of "Net art" is really thorny, as the connectivity of internet is no more immanent to itself, but transcends itself and is captured by all forms of life in general. Plus I don't really get its critique on capitalism, instead it falls pray to the commodity fetish.

Popopope 說...

yes, it required the reader a lot more understanding of how the meaning generated in the set up and the logics in the performance/ process before I can tell whether it is really what it said. However, the choice of performance in a toilent is a statement itself.

匿名 說...

Both Igor Stomajer and Brane Zorman are coming to Hong Kong for this year's Microwave Festival; they'll be speaking at the conference (17/11) on tactical media and will perform the Net Ballet in some toilet here - www.microwavefest.net

匿名 說...

well, about the possible critique on capitalism in Ballettikka Internettikka, i suggest two shorter texts about the project:

- www.intima.org/bibk71.html
- www.intima.org/dmny.html

and perhaps two a bit longer (interviews with the author):

- newmediafix.net/daily/?p=820
- www.intima.org/tkh2.html

maybe they can help to clear things up. but there's more texts about BI on:

- www.intima.org/bi/press.html