星期六, 4月 22, 2006

Search Engine- web search

I want to remind you that when we are saying "search" we mean web search and not limited search on a particular sponsored server or link such as this which already stated that they will search 1 billion web pages, that means not all web pages.

There are at least two things you want to know about search :
1. If you know the mechanism in search engines, you can easily use the right keywords to reach your target audience. Submission tips

2. In order to find the right info / resources/ person. Many web search have unique features or special source, get the tips in doing your search

Is there any things we learn from search? Here is some further readings:

1. The Google Story
2. The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture
by John Battelle

Here is another web search that is not included in the serachenginewatch.com, the features of this search (listed on the right hand side) includes specific search for map, weather, but unfortunately it is only for US. There is a download program that help to search your computer. Do you need it ? Who will need them ? Anyone knows?
